Quantity Price Name
online sales closed $200.00

Vendor Fee

Vendors can now pay their fee online via our website.
online sales closed $75.00

Preview Party Ticket

Friday will be a Preview Party, with $75 tickets open to the public for purchase. The event will be from 6 PM - 9 PM. Purchase of a Preview Party ticket will be a ways and means credit for our members. Cocktail attire, jeans not permitted at Merion Cricket Club.
online sales closed $10.00

Spring Market Shopping Event Ticket

Saturday April 23rd will be from 10 AM to 2 PM, with tickets for purchase available to the public, at $10 each. A purchase of 4 tickets for the Saturday event will be a Ways and Means credit for our members. Smart casual attire, jeans not permitted not permitted at Merion Cricket Club.